Monday, April 13, 2009

In many respects..

This past week took a great dip as I was kicked outta my Fraternity. While I thought the reasons I was released was complete bullshit, I exited in what I (and some cool cats) consider 'classy'. Leaving on a good note, I hope that perhaps one day, I might still be in the group that I once looked up to. But also, I'm relieved. Hitting rock bottom for a day gave me the opportunity to realize that life is short, and that mine does not deserve the fear from realizing my TRUE potential. It's possible that I may be suited as frat-material, but realizing that other chances to have an equal, if not greater of having an excellent time is out there! While I may never be the perfect gentleman, or the outrageous party animal, I've come to terms with being me. And that at times I will fall, but the chance to rise again and make new choices is all the fun in life. The fear of thinking I can't, or I'm not is useless. The only way to live life is taking risks, whether they'd be fun or fearful, life should be lived to its fullest potential.
In the next few months, I hope to further this thought process and make choices that are not based on fear or restriction, but freedom to whatever I choose to do. I want to live the life I want, and the life I should have. The life in which I can truly be proud of, and not based on what I can already accomplish. Come 10 years from now, I want to look back and think, "it was great I made that choice to take the risk", and not "I should have taken the risk". It's comforting to know that there is that person out there, and that he/she can be located anywhere. Whether it'd be in a study group to a underground dance party, people are out there. Life is great.
I'm growing to be happy again, and learning that life goes on.. it's up to the individual to make the choice in which they want their life to lead.. I'm beginning to love my life.. Once Again.

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