Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Obstacle 1

Questions often float while sitting under the fluorescent lighting that we call temporary home. While others sit aside roommates or friends, some, like me, decide to sit alone as the thoughts come onto screen more clearly. However, the thoughts, or questions that float are often unclear as our minds have not matured far enough to understand the meaning that most still search called life. In the many stages of growing up, we're faced with obstacles, challenges, and those new experiences that just fall upon us unexpectedly. How the hell are we ever supposed to be ready for those. In student orientations, they talk about lobo spirit, but not the threat of 'lobo' tomy. Often, our minds wonder, and come full circle with no explanation. But, with little stress, and a future unknown, but in the process, are we ever living for ourselves? We ask the same question over and over again, but like the time before, no answer. So are we living for the explanation in the hopes that we will have an sudden realization and live happily ever after? When we have something, homework, a new girlfriend/boyfriend, or simply just happiness.. I couldn't help but wonder, is it ever enough?
I have a wonderful individual who came into my life, who simply makes me laugh, makes me smile, and makes me happy. However, it's only friendship. Is friendship simply Grade B from what would be a wonderful relationship? Or is it the alternate from a relationship recall? In a relationship, does friendship fill the void?

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